
We have been learning all about frogs in our writing lessons. Here are some of the activities we have been doing as a part of our learning.

Labeling parts of a frog

Frog key words

Magnifying flies and drawing what we see

Rhema designed a frog sanctuary with a pond and flies

Miss Des Forge and Miss Farrant dressed as frogs!

A part of our frog learning was to write about frogs. We could choose what we wrote about. Some people wrote about the life cycle, some people described what frogs looked like. This was a chance to bring our learning together. Here are two examples of writing:

The Life Cycle of a Frog
Frogs need calm water to lay their eggs and some tadpoles die when they’re in their eggs. When the eggs have hatched they turn into tadpoles. Then they turn into a frog with a tail and then a normal frog.
By Thomas

Frogs have very special skin. They don’t just wear it, they also drink and breathe through it. They eat flies. They have a long and sticky tongue. They have slimy skin. They don’t have warty skin. Toads have warty skin.
By Ruby P


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